Please note when taking a custom order the standard wait time is 12-16 weeks. Typically we provide faster service and are able to get it done within a few weeks of processing the order but this gives us enough time if something comes up.
When asking for a custom order please do not ask us to replicate a prior piece of work or someone else's design. We will gladly make you something similar but will not copy work. It's important you give as many specifics as you'd like up front so that we can make sure your order is just perfect for you. Please note that after you have approved the rough draft of the design, changes will not be accepted. There are strict processes to follow when designing and we cannot make changes after the item is already started being produced. So please, take the time to make sure the rough draft is exactly how you'd like it. This includes any specific measurements that are not standard, or special sizing.
There is a no refund policy on custom orders. We cannot refund. We will gladly help you try to sell the item if you end up changing your mind but there are no obligations.
This is why it's important to give the maker all the details you'd like and be as specific as you can. Deposits on customs are non refundable.
Please note that we do not prioritize anyone's order over another order, we take them as they come in and go down the list. No exceptions. Prices are not negotiable on custom work, and we have to right to decline any custom order we do not feel comfortable taking. Thank you!
Frequently Asked Questions